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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Couch Potato

Anna Kate loves to watch TV. She has recently started laying on the couch in the mornings while watching her favorite shows - Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins, and Word World. She even laughs at them!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prayer Challenge

During the past few months/weeks several people I know either directly or indirectly have been faced with suffering of some sort. The ones closer to home have been on my mind so much. I've cried some tears at times that didn't help anyone; I've said a few words here and there that may have helped a little; but today I woke up thinking about scriptures regarding suffering and realized that the best and most productive thing I can do is pray for each of these souls. [Not that I haven't been praying already - just that turning it over to God is all I can do really.] Sickness, cancer, brokenheartedness - God can heal all of these things.

I'm entering into what I will call a "Prayer Challenge" today. Each time I see someone who I know is suffering in some way, I will say a prayer for them. Each time I start to get upset about something not going my way, I will say a prayer for someone else who is sick/brokenhearted/burdened by something beyond his or her control.

I have been in one of these trials before. It was tragic and sad and heartbreaking. I remember feeling like the world stopped for quite a while. I went through the motions of life on a daily basis, but none of it mattered. It left a part of me broken. It put life in perspective. It made me rely wholly and completely on YHWH - my biggest life lesson yet. He healed the big gaping wound in my heart, but I had to let him. It required effort on my part.

YHWH has promised to heal all of our troubles and ailments if we seek Him.
 (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV) "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I have witnessed YHWH's healing. It would be such a blessing to see more of it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Basketball, S'mores, Baseball Birthday

We celebrated Gracie's 11th birthday last night with lots of friends and family. It has become increasingly more evident over the past year or so that we have crossed into the land of "Preteendom" where parties should not be organized events with matching decor like this anymore: [Please pardon the pictures of pictures - my scanner is currently not working] Gracie arrived in true "Hall" style - riding in her Dad's Monte Carlo with Grandad and Grangran.

Gracie's 2nd birthday - Dora Theme! Can you tell who was more excited about it? Gracie was watching the kids play at the park instead of smiling at the camera. (side note - I'm 9 months preggers with Caroline here.)

We have entered the time when the only requirement for a birthday party is plenty of adult supervision with prepared food to grab at any random time [oh, and a fire to go sit around is nice if you're up to it] - don't try to get them to all eat together or anything like that...just let them go "hang out" with their friends. We had hot dogs, chips and dip, and birthday cake. Jon and his dad built a fire, and the kids roasted marshmallows for s'mores, and some of the other kids' parents led a baseball game with tennis balls ;) Everyone seemed to have a great time!

Gracie's "basketball" cupcake cake
I'm happy to say that the passing into this time of Gracie's life came at a really good time for Jon and me. The hefty requirements Anna Kate has placed on the two of us lately would make it nearly impossible to plan an organized event. It has also probably been helpful to distract me from the tears I might have been crying [if I had more energy] about Gracie getting so much bigger. It is bittersweet to see her getting so big, but it's nice to see her turning into such a beautiful young lady.

It is so hard to believe that 11 years have passed since her birth! Sometimes, it seems like yesterday, and at others it's like a different lifetime. I know her Daddy would be so proud of her if he were here today. She shares the same desire that he had to do the right things with her life. She proved it last year by being baptized.

Yesterday, Anna Kate wore Gracie's 1st birthday dress to church. Do you save clothes that your kids wore to special events? I have saved some of the most important ones. It's been so cool to be able to pass things down from one baby to the next! I meant to get a picture of Gracie holding Anna Kate in the outfit yesterday, but it just didn't happen :( Here's Gracie wearing the outfit on her first birthday [and her first Easter].
Gracie 1yr
As I told a few friends about Anna Kate wearing this outfit, I thought it would be nice if she could wear Caroline's first birthday dress on Caroline's birthday in a couple of weeks. The bad news is that I can't remember what Caroline wore. This must be a result of having two children within two years of each other.  The only picture I could find of Caroline in her 1st birthday dress was this one, and I can't tell what dress she's wearing...terrible picture.

Caroline turning in her 1st birthday penny at church with her Dad
I realize that the girls could care less about what dress they wore, but it's something special for me. It brings back memories of when they were my little babies :)

Happy birthday to Gracie Beth!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Practically Perfect

Mary Poppins has been a household favorite since Gracie was tiny - probably about the time I was pregnant with Caroline when we started watching a lot of movies so I could rest...

Gracie's birthday is coming up, so what better way to celebrate than with an old favorite! Tonight my mom and I took Gracie and Caroline to dinner at Chuy's and to TPAC to watch the Broadway show.

First, let me say that Chuy's was ah-mazing! I had the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom enchiladas and they were delicious but hot!!! The restaurant was pretty cool too!

This was the room at Chuy's that we ate in -the whole ceiling is covered in old hub caps and the walls have drawings/paintings of old cars. I just think it's cool when things like this happen to us - little pieces of their dad pop up in every day life! 

Mary Poppins was an unforgettable show! I'm so glad we were able to see it!
Wearing their new Mary Poppins shirts. We were WAY in the back, but still a great show! Doesn't it look like they already have a tan?!?! This warm weather is awesome! 

It was practically perfect in every way! 


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Puppy love

Anna Kate loves our dogs. She follows them around at times. Pulling up on Jonas is one of her favorite things to do right now. Jonas doesn't seem to mind...

Unfortunately, Stella ( the small dog) had a bad experience with AK pulling her hair - she got her ear, and before I could get her to let go, she pulled really hard. Stella has not forgotten it. Even thought Stella handled it really well - she just cried - never tried to defend herself, she now stays 10 feet away from AK at all times. She can be sleeping on the couch and if AK pulls up anywhere close to her she darts across the room! I can see the fear in her little eyes and I feel sorry for hear because I'm afraid it will only get worse.

This little dog
is scared of this giant baby :(

Monday, March 19, 2012

My 3 girls

We spent some time outside this afternoon, and for once, I brought my good camera! I just had to share these 3 pics tonight! Love my girls!!!
Anna Kate lovin the swing

Caroline being a monkey

Gracie being a monkey too

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Do you ever think back to when you were a child and you went on a family vacation and realize that your parents were exhausted just from packing to get you there?

Three kids later, I get it!

We have been on 4 trips since Anna Kate was born. Not elaborate vacations, but they sure did seem elaborate to me since I was packing "everything but the kitchen sink" to go out of town for a few days. We were discussing this on our way home from our Spring break trip. Anna Kate has visited North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky ( no biggie, but it counts) in her 9 months of life. Whew! That's a lot of packing!

This year for spring break we visited the cabin. Several of the kids' friends met us up there and they had the "best Spring Break EVERRRRRR" from what I understand.

Before we let them loose with all the crazies, we took them to see Biltmore Estates. This was my first visit and it was unbelievable to say the least. If you haven't visited, let me know and we can go back sometime. I recently read a book called Maid to Match - is that proper punctuation for book titles? I have no idea... Anyway, the book was great and it led me to want to visit the Biltmore since it was based on the estate.

The rest of the trip was a blur of kids, stinky basement playrooms, The Chop House, a short (but steep) walk for exercise, an acrobatic baby sleeping in my bed with a runny nose, and good friends to share it all with.

We came home with some great memories and tired kids. Let's do it again in 10 years or so...


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jump Rope for Heart

Gracie "Moon Bounce" 2010
Gracie and Caroline are participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year. This is a community service program that benefits the American Heart Association. If you would like to support the girls their links are below. They will be jumping rope at the school on March 16th.

Because Caroline had heart surgery when she was 3, her P.E. teacher asked if she would bring in some pictures and speak to the elementary students about her experience. Up until she started Kindergarten, Caroline was not interested in speaking to anyone about her surgery. Suddenly, when Kindergarten started, she realized that she had a special story to tell and asked if she could take her pictures in to class! I was surprised at her request, but let her take them. I thought I would share a few of her surgery pics today - She was so small!

 A little background information - At Caroline's 4 month checkup with her pediatrician, he heard a murmur when listening to her heart. This was not a huge shock because Josh had a murmur as well. The doctor asked us to make an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist soon. We scheduled the appointment and saw the cardiologist who told us that Caroline's murmur was quite large, but it was possible that it would heal itself because within the first year of life many murmurs do heal on their own. We were setup on a 6 month appointment schedule for the next 3 years with the cardiologist to monitor the murmur.

The diagnosis was "Atrial Septal Defect" - big medical terms that I will never forget! I was so scared for my baby!  The doctor said she would need surgery within the next 3-5 years to repair the quarter size hole in her heart. We hoped it would be more like 5 yrs, but at the 3 year checkup the doctor found that the right side of Caroline's heart was enlarging to accomodate for the hole and surgery would need to be that year. We set up the procedure for July of 2006. If I had to choose, I would definitely say 2006 was the hardest year I've had yet...We lost Josh in April and Caroline had open heart surgery in July, but God's is sufficient! He made it seem so doable for me! I'm forever grateful for that! Here are a few  A LOT of pictures from the 3 day hospital stay - sorry I couldn't choose!

Resting after surgery

Waking up and acting silly from the medicine

Gracie finally came to visit!

Colton visiting - he was so worried about her

 (crayon bandage from IV) - Nanna and Grandaddy brought hair stuff! Feeling better

Riding in the wagon to go look around

walking with the heart monitor "Purse"

Going home - giving the nurse one of her flowers

sweet girl
Today, five years later, Caroline does not have any restrictions - the hole was patched using her own pericardium and according to the doctors would heal to look like a perfect heart. She even participates on our school's jump rope team!

Here's a short video of her doing a really cool trick with her team - Dayspring Unwound!

To support Jump Rope for Heart Please click the links below! Thanks!

Gracie's link

Caroline's link


Friday, March 2, 2012

Second star to the right and straight on till morning

Gracie and Caroline had stellar performances in the elementary play at Dayspring Academy! I'm not biased at all - they were the perfect Peter Pan and Tink. Like last year, the school's drama teacher chose a play where each child has her moment in the spotlight! Gracie was one of 6 Peter Pans and Caroline was one of two Tinkerbells. Here are a few pics from the night.

Tinkerbell drinking the poison to save Peter Pan

Tinkerbell shaking her "jingler" while she talks
This is what happens when you drink poison - she fainted so well!

One of my favorite parts - This is how they "fly" (office chairs that roll)

My Peter with Wendy

Peter talking to Tinkerbell and the kids - she remembered to put her hands on her hips!!! 

Peter with Shadow
This was Gracie's last elementary play - next year she'll be in middle school! I was so proud of both girls.