May has been the usual whirlwind that we have become accustomed to with school aged kids. We have so many events every year during May! I honestly can't remember what we did for that first weekend, but the second one was CrAzY! I'm going to catch up before this next weekend hits because it's going to be one for the record books complete with a 1st birthday celebration!!!!
Gracie and Caroline participated in a school event called Science Olympiad. They were on the teams for aerodynamics, crime busters, water rockets, and write-it/do-it. This is something that the girls have been working on daily at school for a few weeks. I heard lots of complaining about the whole thing for a few weeks, but then, one day, I was asked to help with the "class" for a day. I ended up being an "aerodynamics" coach. When I was able to see what was going on in there, I was excited! Caroline was on the aerodynamics team (a.k.a. who can fold a paper airplane and fly it the best). We came home from that day at school with instructions on how to build a better airplane and had several competitions of our own....I think this helped Caroline's outlook on the event. We went to the competition the following Saturday (Mother's day weekend) in Lebanon, and I was able to see the girls and their classmates in action. I could tell they were very prepared for their competitions, but they didn't seem confident that they had excelled after each event. I even talked to one of the official coaches and she felt like the chances of winning were slim. The girls and I weren't able to stay for the awards ceremony, but we received a call later in the day telling us that our school had placed 1st place in almost everything we competed in! We were shocked. Gracie placed 1st in Crime Busters (CSI for elementary kids) and Caroline placed 4th in aerodynamics! I am one proud momma!
We were able to visit my great grandmother this month as well. My Maw-maw is 104 years old! Can you believe that?!?!?! This was the first visit that I've had with her in a few years. She is beginning to lose some hearing and vision, but this is really the first time I've noticed her struggle. One of my cousins recently posted something on Facebook about Maw-maw's cookie jar. She still has it - complete with cookies! I'm proud to be able to say that I have been able to introduce her to my three girls - her great-great grandchildren!
Maw-Maw Dugan, Nana Dugan, Gracie Caroline , Anna Kate |
Gracie, Caroline and I participated in the Strawberry Stride races last weekend. I was convinced by a few friends that I should dress up as strawberry shortcake for the run, and so I was one of the goofy looking people wearing knee socks with running shoes getting funny looks from all the serious competitors in the race. This was Gracie's first 5K and I am so proud of her for running! This was Caroline's first race EVER! It was a 1/2 mile race for her age group and she ran with a buddy. They had a great time and I'm proud of both of them for participating!
As the school year is coming to a close, we have had graduations, awards ceremonies, special lunches, etc going on. We attended the high school graduation of one of Gracie's basketball teammates and I cried like she was my daughter or something...not sure what will happen to me when my own children graduate - someone be ready to help me though. I was actually embarrassed at the amount of crying that I did.
Gracie and Caroline had their awards ceremony for school today and I was so proud of each of them. Gracie was awarded Academic Excellence in Language Arts and also achieved the Principals Academic Award for Straight As! Caroline was awarded Academic Excellence in Social Studies (this came out of nowhere - why didn't I know that my daughter was interested in Social Studies?!?!) Caroline didn't receive an award for all A's because she had one "B" on her report card and the rest were "A's". I would like to give her the Mom's Academic Award for A's and B's here on my blog because I know how hard she worked this year for her grades! (DISCLAIMER - I do understand the school has to have rules and I respect them and appreciate the push that straight "A" requirement gives my kids to excel. In other words, this is not a knock against the school because I love it there.)
Well, if you are still reading this post. Thanks! I know it was long and maybe a little wordy with a few too many pictures, but it was necessary to record it all.
I'm looking forward to Anna Kate's 1st birthday party EVER coming up this weekend, and I can't wait to share it with you!