Did you know that you can turn your blog into a book!?!?!?! This is probably the coolest part to me. I love the thought of being able to preserve memories for the girls like that. I was a big scrapbooker (is that a word?) at one point in my life. I would stay up cutting out little pieces of paper and making letters or log cabins or whatever for the pages. I stopped this insanity when I had my second child because my normal scrapping time was around 2AM. Anyone who has two kids who are 2 and under knows the we all need rest eventually...I quit scrapbooking to sleep - what a waste of time, I know...
As I said in my first post, blogging is like an online journal. My family is large. I may not see some of them for weeks or months at a time. Blogging allows me to communicate what's going on in my life to them without talking on the phone all the time. Blogs can be public (like mine) or private (requiring an invite from the blog owner for access), so if you don't want the whole world reading all about you, you can control that...
It's great that I can be me when I'm writing on my blog and the girls will one day be able to read it and probably relate to some of it as adults. Life happens so fast! I love that this blog is a little piece of me that I can give to them. I also love that my friends and family can leave their comments on each post. I'm not sure if the comments can go into the book or not. I'll have to check that out.
So, if you're reading my blog and wondering why I keep going on and on about stuff on here, now you know! I read several blogs myself. Most of them belong to people I've never met before in my life, but I can relate to them and enjoy reading their stuff.
I would love to read your blogs - or maybe even help you get started!
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