It seems there is never a dull moment here are Camp Mayhew. Most of you probably know that I have been tossing the idea of going back to school around for a couple years. Yes, I know, I graduated and have a degree that can get me a pretty decent job right now, but I learned something a few years ago from my husband - being happy with your job is worth a lot. You see, Jon went back to college after we were married and started a new career. He now likes what he does and doesn't mind going to work every day. We were very blessed to be able to work things out for him to do this, and though it was stressful for a couple years, it was well worth it. Now, it seems, it is my turn.
I have heard that a career change every 10 years or so is pretty normal. I guess I have exceeded the "norm" because I have had several jobs within the last 10 years. Granted I did have some pretty life-altering events during that time. I have been a computer network technician, mommy, cook, maid, personal assistant to many (ahem Jennifer Harrison), tech support guru for the family, teacher, payroll administrator, bookkeeper, office manager, etc. If you have ever filled one of these jobs, you know that (as with most jobs) there is so much more to it than the title. I can say that my degree in the technical field has been a great asset in all of these positions, but I have learned that I am not your average "tech girl". I might be able to work well with the tech department at my workplace, but I don't belong "in" the tech department...
So, I have re-applied to college, and if all goes as planned - (ha! I have learned a few things about planning my life before too) ....well if it's God's will - I will be back to school as soon as this summer. I have 4 classes to take between now and next Spring. I plan to take it slow for the next year - taking 1-2 classes each semester until they are completed. According to my advisor, if I have all of these classes out of the way, I will have a pretty good shot at my actual goal - entering the nursing program in the Fall of 2013. I'll tell ya - I'm a little scared, but here is something I read about fear today:
Fear is a habit, so is self-pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resigination. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves," I can! and I will!"
I will alter this quote just a tad because of my faith - ....I can! and with YHWH's help I will!