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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bunnies, Eggs, and Birthdays

Since I had trouble choosing which photos to use, I will keep my words to a minimum tonight. Easter was a fun day for us. The kids started the day with baskets of goodies; we went to church and celebrated the true meaning of what is now known as Easter; we visited family; Caroline turned "9"; and Anna Kate finally took a good nap (it's been a struggle for the past few days)! 

I do feel like I should preface the first couple pictures with this warning - DO NOT LEAVE CHOCOLATE BUNNIES IN YOUR CAR WHEN IT IS 80 DEGREES OUTSIDE!  

Caroline's bunny melted all the way down to the bottom of the box :(

Gracie's bunny did a face plant on the plastic wrapper and split in half...

Anna Kate got a basket with empty eggs because what do you put in those little eggs that a baby can eat???

She didn't seem to mind...

All dressed up for church. 

Anna Kate and her buddy at church getting ready to hunt some fruit snacks ;)

Daddy helping her walk around the candy

Anna Kate doesn't enjoy grass very much, but I couldn't resist a picture of her sitting in it in the dress her Mimi made for her today. 

Close up - tired baby...

Watching the kids hunt eggs

Caroline counting her eggs

Gracie Beth looking all grown up

Cousins with Grangran and Grandad

Today was Caroline's birthday - she got a cool card with a picture from Grangran and Grandad

It put this big smile on her face. (the picture was her Daddy holding her  on the day she was born.)
Happy birthday to our Sweet Caroline! Birthday post coming soon...

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