As the girls finished massaging my legs, they quickly asked if I would be interested in a hand massage for only $2, and I accepted the offer. (You don't think they work for free, do you? The foot massage cost $3) I complimented the girls on the services I received, and Gracie quickly gave all of the credit to Caroline!
The next few minutes consisted of a conversation between them that I will recount for you here -
Gracie - "Caroline, you should work at a nail place when you grow up."HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This totally cracked me up! The nail place in town is one of those little shops where they don't speak much English, but I'm pretty sure they don't speak Spanish there either! LOL!
Caroline - "Maybe..."
Gracie - "Maybe you could work at the Nail place in town."
Caroline - "I am not a Mexican."
I love my girls!