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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Practically Perfect

Mary Poppins has been a household favorite since Gracie was tiny - probably about the time I was pregnant with Caroline when we started watching a lot of movies so I could rest...

Gracie's birthday is coming up, so what better way to celebrate than with an old favorite! Tonight my mom and I took Gracie and Caroline to dinner at Chuy's and to TPAC to watch the Broadway show.

First, let me say that Chuy's was ah-mazing! I had the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom enchiladas and they were delicious but hot!!! The restaurant was pretty cool too!

This was the room at Chuy's that we ate in -the whole ceiling is covered in old hub caps and the walls have drawings/paintings of old cars. I just think it's cool when things like this happen to us - little pieces of their dad pop up in every day life! 

Mary Poppins was an unforgettable show! I'm so glad we were able to see it!
Wearing their new Mary Poppins shirts. We were WAY in the back, but still a great show! Doesn't it look like they already have a tan?!?! This warm weather is awesome! 

It was practically perfect in every way! 


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