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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Caroline's 9th Celebration

Caroline had a great birthday celebration that ended up lasting for two weekends! I'm running a little late posting this - only 21 days, but better late than never, right?

Her actual birthday fell on Easter weekend, so we had her a little party with her family and school friends here at the house. The biggest item on Caroline's wish list was horseback riding lessons, so she ended up getting some money to put toward that expense. She did get some really sweet gifts though! She is a big crafty girl, so her Aunt Heather had this apron monogrammed with her nickname-  "Little Bit"

We did an Easter egg hunt, and the kids played and ate cake. For the record, this was the longest egg hunt I have ever witnessed! You see, I thought Gracie would enjoy hiding the eggs. When I looked outside at the eggs laying (lying?) on the grass, it seemed like she had done a great job, but when no one could find the "golden" (red) egg, I was concerned. Just call Gracie if you need to have anything hidden for good...I finally told the child who was closest to it to keep looking in the area he was in until he found it! Here she is looking pretty proud of her hiding skills:

Caroline took a few minutes to decide what to wish for this year...

The birthday girl had asked to have a sleepover with some friends, so we scheduled it for the following weekend. WHEW! I really didn't know what I was getting myself into with this. There were a total of 6 girls! They were perfect - no problem at all to handle, but I was totally exhausted by the time everyone was gone. We decorated cakes, played outside, ate pizza and popcorn, took a walk, watched a movie, and finally crashed in the bonus room for the night.

I'm pretty sure Caroline got everything she wanted and more for her birthday. Thanks to all who helped make it a success!

Anna Kate - 11 Months

Anna Kate will be 11 months old this week! She is continuing to grow and learn each day.

There are so many things I think of to add to the monthly posts, but when I sit down to write, I have trouble remembering...

Here's a short list of accomplishments for the month:

  • taking 1-2 steps at a time
  • playing chase when crawling
  • making faces - please see video below
  • saying "hi" or "hey"
  • trying really hard to say "swing", "bath", "Jonas", "bite" and lots more
  • playing games on the iPhone or iPad
  • blowing kisses - taught by Grandma! 

As I mentioned last month, Anna Kate really likes to look at herself in the mirror. When Jon or I carry her into the bathroom to "see the baby", we usually make a face at her where we open our mouth really wide and smile - just being silly. Well, Anna Kate has learned to make this face now, and we are really getting a kick out of it! I originally started to record her just playing the game on the phone, but when I talked to her towards the end, she did the face!!! She has another face that she does where she puckers her lips out really big - I haven't caught it in a picture yet :/


Post Race Update

I just wanted to take a moment to recognize my post race team. Gracie and Caroline opened up their salon last night to pamper me back to perfect health - sorry for the blurry pictures!

I received the royal treatment as they showed me into the "salon" (Caroline's room). I rested on the most comfortable massage table ever - (the trundle bed) - as Caroline massaged my feet and legs. We had to have a quick discussion about my toenails and how they were quite sore - also the tops of my feet. Gracie let me know right away that she would be Caroline's assistant. There was some quick discussion about the lotion and something about towels being warmed by a light bulb in a lamp that I soon learned would be wrapped around my legs - "like they do at the Nail place".

As the girls finished massaging my legs, they quickly asked if I would be interested in a hand massage for only $2, and I accepted the offer. (You don't think they work for free, do you? The foot massage cost $3) I complimented the girls on the services I received, and Gracie quickly gave all of the credit to Caroline!

The next few minutes consisted of a conversation between them that I will recount for you here - 

Gracie - "Caroline, you should work at a nail place when you grow up."
Caroline - "Maybe..."
Gracie - "Maybe you could work at the Nail place in town."
Caroline - "I am not a Mexican." 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  This totally cracked me up! The nail place in town is one of those little shops where they don't speak much English, but I'm pretty sure they don't speak Spanish there either! LOL!

I love my girls!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 Friends + 4 months + 13.1 Miles

Today is the day you have all been waiting for! You've all read my post about commitment, and the other one where I thought I would be cute and made some plans...

Today I obtained my ultimate goal in my exercise plan - I finished the Music City Half Marathon. I AM a FINISHER! WOO HOO!

I have trained for four months - I confess it was not whole heartedly - with 5 friends for this day. My original plan - the one in my crazy head - was to run like a Kenyan across the finish line of this marathon. Here is the reality of my life as it relates to the race though:

  • I pushed a stroller while running - I'm pretty sure Anna Kate gained about 20 pounds over the past couple months. (My friends pushed the stroller for me at times - Thanks y'all!) 
  • I took a month off because we had sickness in our home - the reality of a family of 5. 
  • The training schedule was hard on my family because it took a lot of time. 
  • Jon brought home a whole box of GiGi's cupcakes for Valentine's Day - see this post for explanation
  • I had a spiritual experience during my training - read here
  • Birthday season hit at our house
  • I nearly completely stopped training for the two weeks prior to the race - you don't have to tell me how smart this was... 

All of the above at one point or another through this process drove reality home to this girl - WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! Each of these hurdles could have given me a good excuse to give up, but I'm so, so glad I didn't!

The reality of today is that I walked the 13.1 miles with one of the best friends/sisters a girl could have. I could have finished 15-20 minutes faster if I had been running, but I would have missed out on some really great memories including miles 8 and 9. I will not go into details here, but it included tears, prayer, salt, and water. ;-) I would have likely been in a LOT more pain than I am tonight if I had run.

This half marathon was an item on Heather's Bucket List! I am so glad I was able to help her check it off!

I'm proud of all of us for finishing what we started. We have built our friendships and our muscles - a win-win situation for ladies who have been 29 for a more than one year....

Friday night carb dinner at Carraba's

Before the race! 4AM and I do not get along...

We finished and finally found our cars! 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back to the Drawing Board....

...or something like that.

It seems there is never a dull moment here are Camp Mayhew. Most of you probably know that I have been tossing the idea of going back to school around for a couple years. Yes, I know, I graduated and have a degree that can get me a pretty decent job right now, but I learned something a few years ago from my husband - being happy with your job is worth a lot. You see, Jon went back to college after we were married and started a new career. He now likes what he does and doesn't mind going to work every day. We were very blessed to be able to work things out for him to do this, and though it was stressful for a couple years, it was well worth it. Now, it seems, it is my turn.

I have heard that a career change every 10 years or so is pretty normal. I guess I have exceeded the "norm" because I have had several jobs within the last 10 years. Granted I did have some pretty life-altering events during that time. I have been a computer network technician, mommy, cook, maid, personal assistant to many (ahem Jennifer Harrison), tech support guru for the family, teacher, payroll administrator, bookkeeper, office manager, etc. If you have ever filled one of these jobs, you know that (as with most jobs) there is so much more to it than the title. I can say that my degree in the technical field has been a great asset in all of these positions, but I have learned that I am not your average "tech girl". I might be able to work well with the tech department at my workplace, but I don't belong "in" the tech department...

So, I have re-applied to college, and if all goes as planned - (ha! I have learned a few things about planning my life before too) ....well if it's God's will - I will be back to school as soon as this summer. I have 4 classes to take between now and next Spring. I plan to take it slow for the next year - taking 1-2 classes each semester until they are completed. According to my advisor, if I have all of these classes out of the way, I will have a pretty good shot at my actual goal - entering the nursing program in the Fall of 2013. I'll tell ya - I'm a little scared, but here is something I read about fear today:

Fear is a habit, so is self-pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resigination. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves," I can! and I will!" 

I will alter this quote just a tad because of my faith - ....I can! and with YHWH's help I will!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sick or Spoiled

Anna Kate seems to never run a fever when she gets sick, so after three days of a stuffy nose and fussiness, I took her to the doctor. She showed all of the same symptoms as the last couple times we have been through this scenario and left the doctors office with a prescription for antibiotics ...only this time there was no ear infection :/.

What we have here is a spoiled little girl who wants her mommy to hold her and play with her all day long!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Story Time

Today was Anna Kate's first visit to story time at the Portland library. The have a lapsit (baby sits in moms lap on the floor) program that I took Gracie and Caroline to when they were young. The library has been completely redone if not demolished and rebuilt since then! It looks fantastic! The picture shows just how much Anna Kate enjoyed it I think...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

When all else Fails, Go Shopping

We are on day 3 (or 6) of what might be the longest tooth cutting experience I have ever been through with a child. The first few days (the "or 6" referenced above) of it were fine during the daylight hours, but Anna Kate woke up about 3 times per night. The night time wakefulness often causes me to become a little grouchy.

By day 4 I had officially decided there would be a new tooth within another day or so. That's what I get for making decisions about things I have no control over though...

For the past couple of days, I have had a baby either in my arms, in my bed, or on my leg crying and pulling on me to pick her up. Any mom knows that by day 2 (or 5) of this type of situation, a break is mandatory. I start feeling a little crazy and edgy and who knows what I might say or do at that point....

So today, I did the only thing left (besides praying for that tooth to cut through the gum so I can stop thinking of ways to do it myself) I went shopping!

Nashville did just have the grand opening of  Opry Mills, right? So, I went and it was a great break from the insanity I was feeling. I picked up a few things that we needed, but the best part was that I wasn't holding a baby and there wasn't a baby at my leg crying for me to pick her up because she was riding in a carseat or stroller for the better part of our trip. It was therapeutic. I feel better. Anna Kate seemed to enjoy the change of scenery too. She watched the carousel while I ate lunch, and she picked out clothes everywhere we went. (She doesn't have bad taste, but she can't reach the things that are higher than her stroller. That limits her options ;)

I was able to take better care of all of my children tonight thanks to that 2 hour break I gave myself today!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bunnies, Eggs, and Birthdays

Since I had trouble choosing which photos to use, I will keep my words to a minimum tonight. Easter was a fun day for us. The kids started the day with baskets of goodies; we went to church and celebrated the true meaning of what is now known as Easter; we visited family; Caroline turned "9"; and Anna Kate finally took a good nap (it's been a struggle for the past few days)! 

I do feel like I should preface the first couple pictures with this warning - DO NOT LEAVE CHOCOLATE BUNNIES IN YOUR CAR WHEN IT IS 80 DEGREES OUTSIDE!  

Caroline's bunny melted all the way down to the bottom of the box :(

Gracie's bunny did a face plant on the plastic wrapper and split in half...

Anna Kate got a basket with empty eggs because what do you put in those little eggs that a baby can eat???

She didn't seem to mind...

All dressed up for church. 

Anna Kate and her buddy at church getting ready to hunt some fruit snacks ;)

Daddy helping her walk around the candy

Anna Kate doesn't enjoy grass very much, but I couldn't resist a picture of her sitting in it in the dress her Mimi made for her today. 

Close up - tired baby...

Watching the kids hunt eggs

Caroline counting her eggs

Gracie Beth looking all grown up

Cousins with Grangran and Grandad

Today was Caroline's birthday - she got a cool card with a picture from Grangran and Grandad

It put this big smile on her face. (the picture was her Daddy holding her  on the day she was born.)
Happy birthday to our Sweet Caroline! Birthday post coming soon...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

God's Plans

Today marks 6 years since we lost Josh in the tornado in Gallatin. As I think back to that day, I remember that it was one day after we celebrated our daughters' birthdays-Gracie's 5th and Caroline's 3rd.  Caroline's actual birthday is April 8th. In the moment, when I thought about the timing, it made me so sad! Now that some time has passed, I can see how God's plans are so perfect - I have been busied today with party preparation and even though I have thought of Josh several times and shed a tear to two, it has given us something to do so we don't feel the hurt quite as badly today.

Caroline is like her Dad in so many ways. She loves to entertain us like he did - especially her Grangran and Grandad.  Most Sunday's we eat lunch with them and she and Gracie end up spending the rest of the day with them. There's always a story or two about the afternoon when we pick them up. I think it tickles them how she acts like her Daddy. I count this as another blessing from our great God.

We are so thankful for the friends and family who have not forgotten Josh! There are always so many who find a nice way to let us know they remember, and it means so much to all of us.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Anna Kate - 10 months

Somehow, the 10 month mark passed us by and I didn't notice!  I think it had something to do with birthday parties and 11 year olds...

Anna Kate has established a favorite things list that I thought I would share this time.

First, she loves this blanket - I'd say it will go everywhere we go for the next several years. This blanket was the first baby gift Anna Kate received - pretty early in my pregnancy actually. We didn't use it all the time when she was younger trying to get her to like it or anything like that. She very obviously chose it though...

Next, give her your iPhone or iPad with Mickey Mouse playing (along with the blanket) and she's a happy girl.

The last thing on her list is books. Specifically, this BooBah book. She lets me read this one over and over to her and thinks it's funny. I, on the other hand, do not understand BooBah at all. I think this is why it is no longer on television...

Here's a video of Anna Kate seeing herself in the video camera. She never gets tired of seeing the baby in the mirror or camera.

Finally, here's the moment we've all been waiting for - Anna Kate says "Ma-Ma"!


From Training to Trainer...

I use the term "Trainer" very loosely here... I have logged around 100 miles running so far in my training. (the tracker to the right has not been in use for the whole training process.) I am by no means anywhere remotely close to expert on this, but I will be helping some girls (including my daughter Gracie) train for a 5K for the next several weeks.

We started Tuesday. Our plan said to run 1 mile. That sounded so good to me! I thought about how short the distance seemed compared to the long runs I have been doing, and I was thrilled to think I would be finished in 10-15 mins depending on the girls' speed.

I realized on Tuesday that there are many little secrets of the running trade - lots of things I've picked up over the past few years when I've tried to consistently run for exercise (having a baby sorta threw that plan for a while).

The biggest thing is BREATHING! Why doesn't it come naturally to our bodies to breathe while we run??? At one point, I remember telling Gracie to breathe during her running because I could tell she had been holding her breathe by the way she was gasping when we walked part of our mile. I know she was focusing so much on getting to the finish line that she didn't think about breathing.

Some other important things are GOOD POSTURE - hold your body up with your back! It makes you feel lighter. DON'T STOMP - think about running on eggshells - light feet make running easier. PACE YOURSELF - We are not sprinting! This is a long run, so top speed is not top priority.

I am looking forward to running with the girls again tomorrow. I hope there will be a little less whining from one girl I know very well. I know they will learn so much from this and I hope to see some benefit next year when they're playing basketball again!