Gracie's 5th grade class went on a field trip to the Nashville Children's Theater. I went because I always try to go on field trips with them if at all possible. I drove a car load of kids down there and spent the entire time in the "comfort" room since AK wasn't quite up to par - this was the same day that I took her back to the doctor for new meds. Jen sat in there with me and the monster - such a good friend. Unfortunately, we totally missed the play.
Two days later, Gracie had a basketball game at Currey Ingram Academy and let me just say WOW! Have you ever seen that place?!??! It was amazing! It was also a LONG way from home... I drove because we can fit lots of people in our car, so I picked them up at 3 o'clock, took them to Wendy's for a snack, and went to the school - 45 mins from home. When we arrived the girls went in the room to change and within 5 seconds Gracie ran out with HUGE eyes saying, "MOMMA, MOMMA, I forgot my uniform. Call somebody to get it for me." Remember the part where we were 45 minutes from home? Gracie had to learn one of life's lessons that night - I woke her up in plenty of time to pack her bags and even reminded her a couple times - she remembered to get her cute zebra bag, shoes, socks, ankle brace- but not her uniform... She ended up sitting on the bench in her school uniform for the entire first half of the game. I made several phone calls trying to find someone in town who was heading our way and finally got in touch with one of the other families who hadn't left home yet - they ran by our house (got the secret key) and brought her uniform to us. Gracie was pretty happy when they came in with her uniform (I didn't tell her they were bringing it)! This trip started at 3 and we didn't get home until 10:30 - Oh, what a night!
Caroline's class took a field trip last Thursday. She's in 3rd grade and they are studying Robertson County history. Her teacher is pretty cool, I guess...(Mrs. Hall is my sister in law.) She does a FANTASTIC job of teaching the history of the county to her class by taking them on a series of field trips all over the place! This was the first one - to Cross Plains - Thomas Drugs, The Doctor's House, and the cemetery where Thomas Kilgore rests. It was C-O-L-D, but fun! Anna Kate went along, so she and I sat in the car for the cemetery portion...
Anna Kate started saying Da-da last week! It is so sweet! As soon as she started saying it, I got my phone and recorded her. I sent it to Jon and I think it made his day.
At some point in all the craziness, I committed to help with a small project at the girl's school and to help with a fundraiser - Why do I do these things to myself? By Saturday morning, I was over it. I didn't even go to Gracie's rec-basketball game and it was the last one of the season.
The fundraiser was fun though! Dayspring's art teacher led a painting class similar to Sips 'n Strokes, but ours was called "Coffee and Canvas". I made this picture of one of the paintings - everyone painted the same thing, but they all turned out so different...this is NOT my painting - I am NOT this talented:

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